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Places you can find either myself or Ragna:

Faded Dreaming: Aaronlisa's personal fanfiction archive on LJ
Ragnarok Fic: Ragna's personal fanficiton archive on LJ

Other Places/Resouces connected to the series:

The Demonic Forensics Random Pairing Generator: Created by Ragna and open for anyone to use. If you do so, please drop us a line at the LJ community.

Other Places/Resources:

Stock.xchang: A free stock photo site.

Supernatural Wiki: a wiki devoted to Supernatural

The Buffyverse Wiki: a wiki site devoted to Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel

Wikipedia: a great place to look up facts needed for the stories whether it's about the canon of any of the fandoms or just some random fact.




this page last updated: 12 April 2010 Monday